If you spent quite a bit of money to get rid of your spider veins the last thing you want is for them to come back. If you haven't got them yet - taking steps to prevent spider veins is important - especially if you think you could be vulnerable.
One thing that can definitely help is exercising your legs - especially the
lower calf muscles. Exercising your legs helps improve circulation and stops blood pooling in the lower leg area - a definite no-no if you want to avoid vein problems.
Walking is great exercise for the lower leg area - either out in the open or on a treadmill especially with the incline level raised. Try to walk rather than take the car or the escalator or elevator wherever you can.

Walking is great exercise for the lower leg area - either out in the open or on a treadmill especially with the incline level raised. Try to walk rather than take the car or the escalator or elevator wherever you can.
For a specific targeted exercise that you can do anytime at home - try calf raises, heel or tip-toe walking and foot rocking:
Calf raises: You need a stable, firm raised area - something like a low bench or aerobic step. Alternatively the first step on your stairs at home will do. Stand on the step with both feet so that your heels extend over the edge of the step. Make sure you are close to a wall or rail so you can hold on to balance if you need to. Then raise yourself up on your toes and lower your heels down below the step. Repeat 30-50 times. You should feel the stretch at the back of your calf mucles. Do the exercise at least once a day and ideally twice.
Tip-toe walking: When you're working around the house inside or out - go up on tip-toes to do your chores - vacuuming, putting dishes away, walking around the kitchen. You may feel a little stupid but who cares? Again you feel the exercise stretching the calf area.
Heel walking: Similar to the previous exercise but instead of going up on tip-toe you raise your toes off the ground and take the weight on your heels. This feels even more stupid but it's a great simple exercise for your calves.
Foot rocking: This is ideal to exercise your lower legs when you're sitting for long periods of
time. Raise your toes so that your heel is the only bit of your foot in contact with the floor. A bit like raising your heel over a pedal in the car or playing the piano. Then place the foot back down elevate the heel so your toes are in contact with the floor. Try to do this in one rocking movement with both feet at once.
When you get tired - give your legs a proper break.
Lie on the floor on your back with your legs and feet raised up against a wall and a pillow under your hips for comfort. Rest this way for about five minutes and gravity will help to push the blood back to the heart. Remember it's gravity you're up against in dealing with spider veins.
The great thing about doing these exercises - not only do they help prevent spider veins - you get shapely, well-defined legs too!
Lie on the floor on your back with your legs and feet raised up against a wall and a pillow under your hips for comfort. Rest this way for about five minutes and gravity will help to push the blood back to the heart. Remember it's gravity you're up against in dealing with spider veins.
The great thing about doing these exercises - not only do they help prevent spider veins - you get shapely, well-defined legs too!
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