Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Worker gets DVT sitting at desk

An IT worker who collapsed with a blood clot after sitting at his desk for hours has warned of the danger of DVT. Freelance computer programmer Chris Simmons, from Whitchurch, Bristol, collapsed with deep vein thrombosis after an eight-hour shift at home.

The clot, which had formed in his leg, moved to his lung causing excruciating pain and leaving him coughing up blood.

Now Mr Simmons, 42, is calling on other desk-bound workers to get up and move around to cut the risk of DVT.

No warning

"I had absolutely no warning symptoms and I had no idea there was anything wrong at all," he said.

"I was sat at my desk and suddenly I was hit with the most excruciating pain in my lower back, I collapsed at the desk with my head on the keyboard, the pain was just so severe."

The pulmonary embolism, caused by part of the clot breaking off and travelling to his lung, was diagnosed after Mr Simmons went for a scan at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

"People are definitely not aware of the risks of developing DVT," he said. "I would urge everyone who works in a desk-bound job to try and do a few simple stretching exercises that can help to minimise the risk."

Healthy Legs Support Hose for DVT