Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Medicine from the Trenches

Suggestions for tired aching legs from a New Surgeon

If you spend as much time on your feet as I do, you get to know what works and what does not work in terms of foot comfort. There is no feeling worse than finding yourself in the middle of a 5-hour case with feet that are crying out for attention. This situation can affect your concentration and generally make an enjoyable situation pretty miserable.

My choice of socks and hosiery also come to play in my choice of foot wear. Support hose are a necessity for both men and women. Ten hours of standing will leave anyone with aching legs unless support hose are worn. My favorite technique is to wear a pair of support hose with thin cotton socks over top of my feet. I always liked having some cotton on my feet to absorb moisture.

A good pedicure is also a necessity for a surgeon. Again, anything that keeps your feet healthy and happy will be quite useful. I keep my toenails well groomed and properly cut both for running and for standing. A poorly trimmed toenail can cause problems during a long case, not to mention, rips in your support hose.
A good pedicure, support hose, cotton sock, a sprinkle of baking soda and my Birkie Bostons keep me ready to go for hours and hours. My feet stay happy and I barely notice them. After a long hard day in the OR, I treat myself to a dip in the whirlp0ol with the jets flowing over my feet and back. You can add a whirlpool tub to those necessities of a surgeon.